What is short, fat , round and hairless ? And now, pointless ?
Been a year of Cants. Got an event ? I can cant-o-fy it.
Cant : Get a Visa-
So my company sent me in to get a visa with crappy, and bordering on fraudulent documentation. Result ? Denied an H1 visa, the most undeniable Visa of them all.
Cant : Grow my hair back -
There is no cure for bad luck.
Cant : Be ever lucky with females -
Do you even need an explanation ?
Cant : Renew interest in his old dead-end job.
Not that there ever was any to begin with.
Cant : Land a new one.
I tried. Seriously. But how do you fake 5 years of coding experience you do not have ? I can now post a step by step guide to keep a straight face when told "Sorry, but you can leave for the day..".
Cant : Afford to use a petrol driven car.
Again, not that I ever did in the past. But hey, like everything, I chose the ostrich approach. If you dont like it, bury your head in the sand and hope that it goes away.
Cant : Even make this post come out as I intended it to.
Self explanatory.
Cant : Think of better things to do on a Saturday evening than make crappy blog posts.
Ohh, and now I can endlessly bore people with pointless Tweets.
Been a year of Cants. Got an event ? I can cant-o-fy it.
Cant : Get a Visa-
So my company sent me in to get a visa with crappy, and bordering on fraudulent documentation. Result ? Denied an H1 visa, the most undeniable Visa of them all.
Cant : Grow my hair back -
There is no cure for bad luck.
Cant : Be ever lucky with females -
Do you even need an explanation ?
Cant : Renew interest in his old dead-end job.
Not that there ever was any to begin with.
Cant : Land a new one.
I tried. Seriously. But how do you fake 5 years of coding experience you do not have ? I can now post a step by step guide to keep a straight face when told "Sorry, but you can leave for the day..".
Cant : Afford to use a petrol driven car.
Again, not that I ever did in the past. But hey, like everything, I chose the ostrich approach. If you dont like it, bury your head in the sand and hope that it goes away.
Cant : Even make this post come out as I intended it to.
Self explanatory.
Cant : Think of better things to do on a Saturday evening than make crappy blog posts.
Ohh, and now I can endlessly bore people with pointless Tweets.