Wednesday, March 4, 2009


How about this : The bestestest feeling I have had at work for a long, really really looooooong time , ends tomorrow :_( .
Only week since... forever that I was looking forward to go to work, AND stay highly motivated through the day and beyond ends abruptly tomorrow (Thursday).
Back to my dreary old self from Monday (not going to show up on Friday because I need some time before I can get back to sitting on a normal, good chair).

Aahh the chair... How I am going to miss the flicking of my (in-good-condition) chair in my absence , and the giggles that follow when I show up and clumsily try to adjust myself into a wobbly,creaky old one, followed by some comments which I think, on hindsight, are rather stupid.

All good things come to an end.
And the best ones end rather abruptly.


Lord GJ said...

Well atleast you had a good week in office :)

ITDonkey said...

Yes dude... the words "nice-time" and "work" went together for the first time after a darned long period. ;)