Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Lessons in America

- Dont order anything edible which says "Large" against it.

Ordered a "Large" popcorn today, taking a cue from several Americans discussing amongst themselves the size of their orders.

What I was handed in return for my four dollars fifty can only be described as a paper bucket I could have taken a popcorn bath in.

- Dont attempt to look for anything in waist size 32 which you like, because its not gonna be there.

Ever seen size 40, 44 or heck, even size 48 pants??

- Dont attempt to confuse people by presenting your indian driving license as "id proof".

Many million years ago, I had a photo of mine clicked when I was thin :(.

- Dont be a pedestrian in the 300 metre radius of a School Bus.

Curious cops come around to take a look in mean lookin Dodge Chargers :( .

...............many more to come!


Siddharth said...

afaik everything that sells here starts from min size as large... it goes on to extra large and xxL.

who were you shopping for ??

i have decided that i wont put my foot down on memphis roads.

ITDonkey said...

I wasnt shopping for anything in particular. I was just looking around.

Dont be in a hurry to make declarations :-). You never know where you might be posted..

harada57 said...
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